Farkhod Aminjonov

Farkhod Aminjonov

Senior Research fellow

Farkhod Aminjonov, Avrasya Araştırma Enstitüsü’nde araştırmacı olarak görev yapmaktadır. Lisans eğitimini Özbekistan’da Taşkent’te Dünya Ekonomisi ve Diplomasisi Üniversitesi’nde Uluslar arası Hukuk alanında tamamlayan Farkhod Aminjonov, yüksek lisans eğitimini Japonya’da Tsukuba Üniversitesi’nde Uluslararası Çalışmalar alanında ve Kırgızistan’da Bişkek’te OSCE Akademisi’nde Siyaset Bilimi alanında tamamlamıştır.

Staff's Publications

Eylül 19, 2018

Energy Security Policies of the Central Asian Countries: Hydrocarbons and Electric Power Sectors

The Central Asian countries’ energy sectors were built during the Soviet period and designed without concern for what are today national borders. The resource sharing mechanism ensured the security of the Central Asian Energy System (CAES)—reliable and stable energy supplies to meet the needs of both the people and the […]
Şubat 2, 2017

Central Asian Regional Energy Initiatives: Challenges and Opportunities

The Central Asian Energy System (CAES) was designed and built during the Soviet period, when political borders and sovereignty issue were not an obstacle to ensure parallel operation of national energy sectors. Resource sharing mechanism ensured stability and reliability of energy supplies to meet population and economic needs. The mechanism […]