Gulnar Nadirova

Gulnar Nadirova

Senior Research fellow

Nadirova Gulnar Ermuratovna graduated from the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad State University, in 1990 she defended her thesis on the Algerian literature at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, in 2006 doctoral thesis - on modern Tunisian literature at the Tashkent Institute of Oriental Studies, Professor.

Staff's Publications

October 22, 2021

Differences and Similarities of Central Asian Elites

In all of the countries of the world, there is a relatively thin layer of the population that has more influence on the country’s fate in contrast to others. This group provides coordination capacity for the economic resources of a nation and directly influences a country’s present and future. These […]
September 27, 2021

Anti-vaccination Movement in Central Asia and Beyond

The main story of two recent years is the coronavirus pandemic, which disrupted the world unprecedentedly. Subsequently, the main question across the globe is how to end it or mitigate its devastating adverse effects. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “vaccines play a critical role in preventing deaths, hospitalization […]
August 27, 2021

The Social Progress Index Gives its Independent Assessment

There are various ways of perceiving and measuring a country’s success. One of the most basic ones involves tying the success to the economy and mainly measuring the economic performance of a nation. However, the economy does not always tell the whole story, as even a stronger economy does not […]
July 19, 2021

Humanities and Culture Projects: Support and Funding

The issue of supporting and funding cultural and humanitarian research, projects, and programs has been and remains challenging for many countries. The essence of humanitarian and cultural activities is that they do not generate significant income, do not lend themselves to commercialization as techno-logical or natural science branches of knowledge. […]
June 8, 2021

Indexation of think tanks as a stimulus for their development

It is already widely accepted that data is “the oil of the 21st century” as those who acquire and analyze relevant data can subsequently use it to gain financial, social, or even political powers as is evident in the case of the Big Tech. However, in contrast to natural resources […]
May 11, 2021

Quality Elites are also needed

The prosperity of nations was always a question of an immense importance and the foundations of it have been researched extensively since the very creation of states. There were various schools of thoughts proposing numerous factors as the true sources of prosperity of states. Nowadays, institutional theory is one of […]
May 10, 2021

Heart of Asia – Istanbul Process

“Heart of Asia – Istanbul Process” (HoA-IP) is a joint initiative of Afghanistan and Turkey, announced 10 years ago at the 2011 conference in Istanbul. This initiative is aimed at strengthening regional security, economic and political cooperation with Afghanistan through dialogue and confidence-building measures. Within the framework of this joint […]
April 23, 2021

Management Practices in Higher Education

Today, no one doubts the fact that one of the areas in which the most diverse sensitive problems of the modern world community are concentrated in education. Due to the multitude of challenges, it is difficult to find a successful example of university development even in the most seemingly prosperous […]
April 17, 2021

Gender Assessment in Central Asia

We are used to thinking of the modern world as an increasingly democratic, tolerant, and liberal space. Yet this is not always the case as it is demonstrated by some studies, such as the Global Democracy Index. One of the issues still prevalent in the world is a gender equality […]
March 12, 2021

Impact of the Pandemic on democracy in the Central Asia Region

The pandemic has disrupted the usual course of life in many ways – some had to adapt to the new online lifestyle, others lost their jobs, some – even their lives. Most of the countries worldwide finished the year in a much worse socio-economic state than they had begun with […]