
Eurasia Outlook 2018: Economic, Social and Political Perspectives in Eurasia

Since 2015, the Eurasian Research Institute (ERI) has been issuing weekly e-bulletins that contain analytical articles on a wide range of topics related to political, economic and social developments in the Eurasian space, as well as the news block that covers recent activities in the region. As demonstrated by the […]

EFE 2018 Book of Proceedings

Intellectual capital is seen as a vital strategic asset in the 21st century that contributes to firm performance and value creation. In the new “knowledge-based” economy, which began to develop in the 1990s, intellectual capital rather than physical capital has emerged as a significant factor in terms of potential future […]

Energy Security Policies of the Central Asian Countries: Hydrocarbons and Electric Power Sectors

The Central Asian countries’ energy sectors were built during the Soviet period and designed without concern for what are today national borders. The resource sharing mechanism ensured the security of the Central Asian Energy System (CAES)—reliable and stable energy supplies to meet the needs of both the people and the […]

Eurasia Outlook 2017: Economic, Social and Political Perspectives in Eurasia

Over the last three years, the Eurasian Research Institute (ERI) has been preparing weekly e-bulletins that provide readers with the timely and reliable analysis of recent developments in Eurasia. The analyses, which are prepared by our experts and, in some cases, by external experts, are appreciated by various academicians, specialists, […]

Евразийский обзор 2017: экономические, социальные и политические перспективы Евразии

В течение последних трех лет Евразийский научно-исследовательский институт (ЕИИ) готовит еженедельные электронные бюллетени, в которых читателям предоставляется своевременный и достоверный анализ последних событий, происходящих на Евразийском континенте. Аналитические материалы, подготовленные нашими сотрудниками, и, в некоторых случаях, внешними экспертами, по достоинству оценены различными учеными, специалистами, должностными лицами и политиками из Турции, […]

Қожа Ахмет Ясауидің рухани мұрасы

Жаңғырту үдерісімен бірге қарқындай түскен жаһандану үрдісі адамзат өмірінің әрбір саласына дерлік бұрын-соңды болмаған өзгерістер әкелді. Негізі, заманауи әлем ұғымы қарапайым көзқарастан пайда болды. Бұған дейінгі кезеңде адамға діни, саяси және әлеуметтік-мәдени тұрғыда қысым көрсетіліп, оның шығармашылық қабілеттеріне кедергі келтірілді деген тұжырым үстем болған еді. Сондықтан да метафизика, трансценденттік және […]

Евразийский обзор 2016: экономические, социальные и политические перспективы Евразии

С 2015 года Евразийский научно-исследовательский институт готовит еженедельные электронные бюллетени, в которых рассматриваются важные для Евразийского региона события, и распространят эти электронные бюллетени среди читателей. В данном издании собраны электронные бюллетени, которые были подготовлены как нашими экспертами, так и различными учеными, экспертами, чиновниками и политиками из Турции, Казахстана и других […]

Eurasia Outlook 2016: Economic, Social and Political Perspectives in Eurasia

Recent political and economic shifts following the global financial crisis of the last few years triggered further rise of Eurasia, which has become a geopolitical symbol that indicates full transition towards a multipolar world. The rise of the Eurasian countries has gained greater global political and economic importance causing significant […]

Kırım Savaşı: Emperyal Güçlerin Dünya Savaşı Pratiği

Bu eser, tarihin büyük devletlerinin kitlesel orduları nasıl seferber edebildiği ve bu çerçevede orduları sadece savaş sahasına sürmekten çok öte kompleks bir organizasyon yapısını gerektiren savaş lojistiğinin işlerliği sorunsalından yola çıkarak oluşturulmuştur. Esere konu olan Kırım Savaşı’nın seçilmesindeki temel motivasyonu ise söz konusu savaşın gerek toplumsal, gerek iktisadi gerekse siyasi […]

Economics and Politics of Energy in Central Asia and Caucasus

Central Asia and Caucasus has always been economically powerful regions throughout the world history.However, in the beginning of 21st century, Central Asia and Caucasus with its high oil and natural gas reserves regained importance and these countries have attracted attention with their high economic potentials. It seems that the energy […]