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Asya Avrupa No: 50

Değerli okuyucularımız, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Avrasya Araştırma Enstitüsü olarak her ay çıkarmakta olduğumuz ve dört dilde içerik barındıran Asya Avrupa dergisinin 50. sayısı ile karşınızdayız. Dergimizin 50. sayısını hazırlamakta olduğumuz günlerde, Ocak ayında Çin’de başlayıp Şubat ayının ikinci yarısında giderek bu ülkenin sınırlarının dışına taşma eğiliminde […]

Current Developments and Trends in Migration Flows to Europe

The civil war in Syria in its ninth year has forced 13 million Syrians forced to leave their homes. Among them 6 million of them relocated within the country and 5,5 million seek refuge abroad. Turkey with its open door policy has received 3,58 million Syrians up until now. In […]

EU-Kazakhstan Relations: Enhanced Partnership in Action

On March 1, 2020, the new Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) between the European Union (EU) and Kazakhstan came into force. The EPCA became the main document that underpins the EU-Kazakhstan relations, making Kazakhstan the first and only country in Central Asia with the enhanced level of partnership with […]

Tajikistan: First Elections without Opposition and Emerging Power Transition

On March 1, 2020, the elections to Majlisi Namoyandagon, the lower house of Tajikistan’s parliament (Majlisi Oli), were held. These were the sixth elections after the country gained its independence in 1991. It is noteworthy that the parliamentary elections in Tajikistan are held every five years without any snap elections. […]

Gains and Losses from International Migration for Sending and Destination Countries

The International Organization for Migration 2020) shows that migration is an important process, which affects global economic, social, political and technological transformations. The number of international migrants globally in 2019 was equal to 272 million, or 3.5% of the world’s population. India is the largest country of origin of international […]

Artificial Intelligence and Current Applications: Examples from Central Asian Countries

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in practice in various fields, from the banking sector to healthcare. Although the term “Artificial Intelligence” was used for the first time in 1956, the development and introduction of this technology in practice have accelerated only in recent years. In this regard, the possibility of […]

Asya Avrupa No: 49

Kıymetli okuyucularımız, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Avrasya Araştırma Enstitüsü adına sizleri saygıyla selamlıyoruz. Aylık olarak çıkarmakta olduğumuz Asya Avrupa Dergisi’nin 49. Sayısı ile karşınızdayız. Bildiğiniz üzere, Avrasya coğrafyasının güneybatı ucunda, Suriye merkezli bir istikrarsızlık ortamı, on yıla yaklaşan bir süredir bölgemizi olumsuz olarak etkilemektedir. Bu ülkede başlayan iç savaş […]

Assessment of Pre-Electoral Environment in Moldova

In November 2020, Moldova will hold presidential elections, which already heats the general political situation in the country. However, in many terms the pre-electoral political activity had already intensified in 2019. It is interesting to note that the last year has been characterized by drastic changes in the political landscape […]

Turkistan Special Economic Zone: Achievements and Opportunities

The main purpose of Kazakhstan’s economic policy is to promote sustainable development of the country’s well-being. For this purpose, several large-scale projects have been implemented throughout the country and of particular importance is the activity of special economic and industrial zones in the regions.  

A Conceptual Discussion on “Descendant” And “Relative Communities” in Turkish Foreign Policy

Turkey, with historical roots dating back to Asia’s vast steppe, is the successor of the Ottoman Empire extended across the Balkans, Middle East, and Africa. Today, Turkey remains associated in the context of cultural and social relations and citizenship bonds with almost all nations and communities that were part of […]