Publication Categories

Жошы ұлысы және Сарайшық – Қазақ мемлекеттілігінің бастауында

Атырау облысы биыл тағы да кезекті рет тарихшы ғалымдарды, қоғам өкілдерін, өлке тарихының жанашырларын халықаралық конференцияда қабылдап отыр. Қалыптасқан дәстүр негізінде ұйымдастырушылар тарапынан Түркия, Ресей, Германия, Қытай елдері және Қазақстанның барлық өңірлерінің ғылыми орталықтары өкілдерімен берік шығармашылық қарым-қатынас орнатуда. Бұл конференция жарты әлемді билеген Жошы ұлысы – Алтын Орданың 750 […]

Eurasian Research Journal Volume 2, No. 1

Eurasian Research Journal is a refereed journal of international standards aiming to publish scientific articles in a wide range of fields including economics, finance, energy, international relations, security, transportation, politics and sociology in the Eurasian region that covers the territory from the Balkans to Mongolia with particular focus on Turkic […]

Russia’s Pivot to Africa

In October 2019, the first Russia-Africa summit was held in the Russian resort city of Sochi, chaired by the presidents of Russia and Egypt, Vladimir Putin and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the latter in his capacity of the current chair of the African Union. In total, 43 heads of state and […]

Asya Avrupa No: 47

Kıymetli okuyucularımız, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Avrasya Araştırma Enstitüsü adına saygılarımızı sunuyoruz. 2019 yılını geride bırakarak yeni bir yıla “merhaba” dediğimiz bu günlerde, Ortadoğu ile Orta Asya arasındaki geçiş ülkelerinden birisi konumundaki İran ile ilgili gelişmeler tüm dünyanın ilgi odağında yer buldu. İran’ın Devrim Muhafızları’na bağlı Kudüs Ordusu komutanı […]

China’s Arctic Policy and Polar Silk Road

In recent years, China has been actively pursuing a policy of strengthening its naval position. The dynamically growing economic and diplomatic influence of China can be detected in nearly every maritime region of the world.  

Transport Potential of ECO Region

Developed and developing countries, in addition to taking part in international integration initiatives, strive for creating regional unions among themselves. One such regional structure is the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), which focuses on contributing to the development of its member states, removing trade barriers within the ECO region, improving intra-regional […]

India’s Citizenship Troubles

Since December 2019, India, the second most populous nation in the world with great diversity in religion, ethnicities, and language, has been facing large-scale  protests across the country. Mass protests swept when the parliament on December 11 approved the new Citizenship Amendment Act, which makes religion a criterion for receiving […]

Social Media and Language

Each person is constantly changing. To-day we are not the same as yesterday, and this happens not by chance, but under the influence of various factors – the environment, education, the people with whom we interact, the information that we receive daily from various sources. Views, values, thinking are changing, […]

Uluslararası Türkçe Tarihî Metin Araştırmaları Sempozyumu (Metin Yayımı, Kataloglama, Dijitalleştirme) Bildirileri

Türk dili, ilk evreleri karanlık olmakla birlikte elde bulunan belgeler ve Çin kaynaklarının verdiği bilgilere göre geçmişi tarih öncesi dönemlere uzanan dünyanın en eski dillerinden biridir. Tarihî gelişim seyri içerisinde Türk dili, çeşitli iç ve dış etkenlerle değişerek gelişmiş ve çeşitli kollara ayrılmıştır. Bütün kollarıyla birlikte Türk dili bugün batıda […]

Current Developments ın Kazakhstan’s Insurance Market

In many developed countries, insurance is one of the important strategic sectors of the economy. The financial strength of insurance companies can turn them into the most powerful financial lending institutions. In general, insurance market assessment is based on the volume and growth rate of real insurance premiums. Another equally […]