Publication Categories

The Impact of Social Media on Education

Social media is a series of websites and applications designed to allow people to share content in real time. Despite the prevalence of social media in everyday life, schools and universities have long hesitated to adopt social networks as an education tool. Until recently, many educational institutions prohibited access to […]

Қожа Ахмет Ясауидің рухани мұрасы

Жаңғырту үдерісімен бірге қарқындай түскен жаһандану үрдісі адамзат өмірінің әрбір саласына дерлік бұрын-соңды болмаған өзгерістер әкелді. Негізі, заманауи әлем ұғымы қарапайым көзқарастан пайда болды. Бұған дейінгі кезеңде адамға діни, саяси және әлеуметтік-мәдени тұрғыда қысым көрсетіліп, оның шығармашылық қабілеттеріне кедергі келтірілді деген тұжырым үстем болған еді. Сондықтан да метафизика, трансценденттік және […]

Economic Integration Process of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Labor Aspects

The ongoing civil war in Syria has so far forced more than 13 million people to leave their homes looking for safe zones within the country and abroad. Among them, 8 million were relocated within the country, whereas 5.5 million search refuge abroad meaning that almost one-third of Syria’s population […]

Recent Developments in the Caspian Energy Strategy of Iran

Being an oil export based economy, which focuses on the development of oil and gas bearing areas originating in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, Iran pays less attention to the Caspian region, where there is still much work to be done to develop sustainable exploration and production […]

The Price for Recent Breakthroughs in the Caspian Dispute

In 1996, the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan held the first meeting dedicated to resolving the issues of the Caspian Sea legal regime with special attention paid to harmonizing positions and developing common approaches towards drafting the Convention on the Caspian Legal Status. Over the past […]

Green Economy in Kazakhstan: Opportunities and Challenges

There is no single commonly accepted definition of Green Economy in politics, media or academic literature. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) defines the green economy as one that leads to the improvement of the economic well-being and social equality, while significantly reducing environmental risks and pressure on the environment. […]

Asya Avrupa No: 24

Kıymetli okuyucularımız, Aralık 2017 sayımızla karşınızdayız. Bu sayımızda yine ilgi çekici ve dolu bir içerik hazırladığımızı düşünüyoruz. Emeği geçen tüm arkadaşlara teşekkür ederiz. Pek çok haber ve yorumun yanı sıra, dört derinlemesine analize de bu sayımızda yer veriyoruz. Ayrıca, yine bu sayımızda ilk kez bir infografik kullanıyoruz. Bu sayıdan itibaren, […]

Recent Developments in the U.S.-Chinese Relations

Since the United States and China are the world’s largest economic powers, in the current international landscape the great importance is attached to their bilateral relations. From this point of view, it could be said that the U.S.-China relations are not limited to bilateral relationship, as they also significantly affect […]

New U.S. Strategy Towards Afghanistan

On August 21, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump announced his strategy towards Afghanistan that outlined the course of the future U.S. involvement in its longest military operation. Among other things, the new strategy envisages a modest expansion in the U.S. troop presence, more pressure on Pakistan to act against the […]


Kazakhstan has been engaged in bilateral relations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 1992, when the country joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) established by the alliance in December 1991 as a forum to discuss and coordinate security issues with its new partners. Kazakhstan’s practical security cooperation […]