Publication Categories

The UN Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming the World

The United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a set of global objectives aimed at achieving tenable and poverty-free world by 2030. The SDGs is a successor of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), an international agenda aimed at halving world poverty, stopping […]

Eurasia Outlook 2016: Economic, Social and Political Perspectives in Eurasia

Recent political and economic shifts following the global financial crisis of the last few years triggered further rise of Eurasia, which has become a geopolitical symbol that indicates full transition towards a multipolar world. The rise of the Eurasian countries has gained greater global political and economic importance causing significant […]

The Expo 2017: Recognition of Kazakhstan’s Long-Term Vision and Forward-Thinking Strategy*

The EXPO 2017 international specialized exhibition was launched on June 9, 2017, in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, at a spectacular grand opening ceremony hosted by President Nursultan Nazarbayev and attended by 17 heads of state and government, including the presidents of China and Russia and the prime ministers of […]

Евразийский обзор 2016: экономические, социальные и политические перспективы Евразии

2015 жылдан бері Еуразия ғылыми-зерттеу институты Еуразия аймағындағы айтулы өзгерістерді бағалайтын апталық электрондық бюллетеньдер дайындап, оларды оқырмандармен бөлісіп келеді. Бұл басылымда институтымызда қызмет ететін сарапшы мамандарымыз бен Түркия, Қазақстан және басқа да Еуразия елдерінің ғалымдары, сарапшы мамандары, мемлекеттік қызметкерлері мен саясаткерлері тарапынан дайындалған электрондық бюллетеньдер жиналған. Бұл кітап экономика, саясат […]

Evaluation of Devaluation of Ruble: Winners and Losers

The 2015 year was a difficult year for Russia due to the economic slowdown in the economy and sharp depreciation of ruble against the dollar. The ruble has fallen from 39 on 26 September 2014 to 69.4 on 30 January 2015 losing more than half of its value where it […]

The Role of Globalization in Facilitating Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan

This paper seeks to answer the central inquiry question: what is role of globalization on facilitating inclusive education in Kazakhstan? This exam paper aims to explore how the globalization process brought the notion of inclusive education to Kazakhstan and further on how global forces shaped/modeled it. Specifically, this paper analyzes […]

The Russian Caspian Transport and Logistics Complex Project: Problems and Prospects

In the beginning of 2000s, Russia declared the development of the country’s seaports as one of its national priorities. In 2002, by launching the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) aimed at managing an increase in trade between India and North Europe and connecting the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and the […]

Does China Seek the Geopolitical Agenda of the SCO?

The SCO was established in 2001 by six Eurasian states (China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) and has progressed fairly quickly from its inception to become a relatively prominent regional player. In December 2004 it gained official observer’s status at the UN General Assembly. According to its Charter, the […]

Ecology and Religion

Religion can interact with the new realities, “challengers” as we often say, social and scientific processes, as well as create new meanings and correct personal and social beliefs. Religion can contribute to the solution of today’s social problems, such as environmental, act as an incentive for the development of education, […]

International Book Fairs as a Cultural Project

Creative industries are becoming increasingly important components of modern post-industrial knowledge-based economies. Not only they account for higher than average growth and job creation, but they are also vehicles of cultural identity that play an important role in fostering cultural policy. During the last decade, a number of governments around the […]